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Making your interview dynamic

Use the depends on modifier when setting values with code

Using depends on keeps the value of your variables fresh, while also keeping your YAML file easy to read and performant.

id: client_is_overpaid_person
question: |
${ client.familiar() }, are you filing for yourself or someone else?
- no label: filing_for
datatype: radio
- Myself: self
- Someone else: someone_else
depends on:
- filing_for
code: |
client_is_overpaid_person = filing_for == 'self'

The snippet above will recalculate the value of client_is_overpaid_person if the user ever changes the value of filing_for.

Use the attachment block or template file for display-only logic

When the output document or form has responses that should sometimes be hidden, it is better to keep your variables general and use short logical statements inside the attachment fields block (or inside the DOCX template's Jinja2 code) to control when the variables are displayed or hidden.

Use the multi-line mako if statement rather than a one-line ternary if statement. The preferred option is shown below:

pdf template file: my_template.pdf
- "client_relationship_other": |
% if not client_is_overpaid_person:
${ relationship_to_user['other'] }
% endif
- "client_relationship_other_explanation": |
% if not client_is_overpaid_person and relationship_to_user['other']:
${ client_relationship_other_explanation }
% endif

The advantage of this is keeping your variable name space neat and completely semantic. It reduces the need for adding depends on modifiers.

When your logic starts to become nested several levels deep or you have very complex calculations, abandon this rule.

Use Python classes in module files to keep complex logic readable

When you have very complex business rules that are reflected in the template file, it is appropriate to move away from small mako blocks inside the template or attachment block. However, replacing complex logic with long code blocks is not always clear and easy to read.

It is better to encapsulate that logic inside a Python class.

Use logical method names to encapsulate such logic. For example:

The ALIndividual class has a gender_female() method that helps fill in checkboxes. It returns True or False depending on whether the user specifies that the_individual.gender == 'female'. There is also a matching gender_male and gender_other method.

Small helper methods like this can make your attachment block or DOCX template easier to read. They can also reduce errors caused by copying and pasting code.

Use the "named block" pattern sparingly

The named block pattern should not be overused. Most often, it is appropriate to just use a standard code block that defines a variable without giving it a "name".

Use named blocks when performing a calculation that should only need to be performed once, such as sending an email or e-filing a form.

Avoid needs, sets, force_ask and other logic "hacks"

Avoid the use of question modifiers that make your logic harder to follow, such as needs, sets, force_ask() and the like. Instead, be explicit with your interview logic and place most logic directly in the interview order block.

However, there are common exceptions to this rule:

  1. use needs on review screens and other blocks that do not automatically trigger referenced variables to trigger template: blocks and the like
  2. use sets with ALIndividual blocks that rely on name_fields() and similar fields, where needed for Docassemble to locate the question

Use validation code carefully

validation code is powerful, but can will cause a visible error when a variable that is not already defined is mentioned. This may lead to bugs that show up as pop-up "toast" notifications. This can be a poor user experience.

  1. Use validation code only for validation, not to set variable values.
  2. Always use the field parameter when using validation_error() inside a validation code modifier to ensure that errors are raised in context.

Use show if with extra caution

show if can be used to make question screens dynamic and usable. Still, be cautious when using it: if your show if logic hides a variable that is referenced in a mandatory block somewhere else in the interview, your user can be stuck on a screen without being able to continue.

To reduce this risk:

  1. unless it is necessary, use only one level deep of show if
  2. always implement the logic on your screen that uses show if in the template or attachment block at the same time you implement it in the question block
  3. always test your interview with answers that leave show if fields hidden
  4. actively search your code for show if and confirm that hidden variables are only referenced with matching logic as a final step before release