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Working with DOCX files

Add labels and fields

DOCX templates can be edited in any editor that is able to edit DOCX files, including:

  • Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Word Online
  • Libre Office
  • Google Docs

Most developers should use the word processing tool that they are already familiar with. Rarely, you may run into compatibility issues with formatting of a DOCX file when it is converted into a PDF. Docassemble uses Libre Office to convert DOCX files to PDF. Try editing the file in the free Libre Office and get it looking right there if you have any PDF conversion problems.

While most editors should work, it is important to save the document in the DOCX format.

DOCX field labels are just typed in

You already know how to add fields to a DOCX template: just type them in as ordinary text. The only difference is that you type brackets {{ }} or {% %} to tell Docassemble that you want to replace the field with information that comes from the Docassemble interview.

The syntax to type in fields in a DOCX template is named Jinja2.

Learn more about Jinja2 and about DOCX templates in Docassemble.

Jinja2 is very powerful but you will probably only use a small number of the features it has, like:

  1. adding fields with double curly brackets: {{ field_name }}
  2. adding conditional text with {% if some_condition %} and {% endif %}

Start with simple logic in your DOCX template

Before you run your form through the Weaver, start out with simple logic. For example:

You can add these refining details after you run the form through the Weaver. Use the first draft just to add placeholders where information will go.

Use the Assembly Line's standard field names for DOCX templates

Use the specific names for labels for full compatibility with the Assembly Line framework.